Sunday, August 10, 2014

Welcome to Patience is a vVrtue:Making it Work

This blog with cover life with our family and trying to make everything work. We are a small family of three - I work full-time during the day and take online classes for college; My husband works part-time and is a stay-at-home dad during the week while I work, and he will be starting classes outside the home a couple times a week for school as well. Through all this we manage to homeschool our son who will be 7 in December. The posts will covers working and homeschooling, learning ideas, reviews on items, adhd and anxiety and how to balance it all and still have time for fun. I know there are money reasons to choose to homeschool, so I will elaborate on why we have choosen this route for our son. I have always felt that homeschooling would best suit him because he does have adhd and his learning style is not good for a classroom environment. We sent him to public kindergarten last year because that was the easiest solution and I did not want to just rule public school out because of things I heard or suspected of public schools. Well, not even a month into the school year he started having issues paying attention and focusing on his work and his homework always took an hour every night as well. His teacher tried everything to try and help him pay attention and have less distractions, but nothing seemed to help much. We tried talking with the school counselor about his adhd (which is undiagnosed adhd at this point), but the school was taking a while to get him evaluated for anything and since my son was not technically behind in academics they could not help him until he had a diagnoses. Well the longer it was taking to get him tested, the longer it was that he was hating school and coming home crying everyday. We finally decided we had enough shortly after Christmas beak and pulled him out of school. We started "deschooling" and then gradually started with lessons again. And here we are, 6 months late, and he is excited to start school work and even asks for his worksheets everyday. We are starting this school year with a mix of kindergarten and 1st grade work. We are using an online public school option for the moment, but we are open to trying traditional homeschooling if we find the online public not a good fit for us. During this year we are learn how this whole thing of homeschooling and working works out. It will be a balancing act for sure and I will probably only post once a week or so, if I am lucky. The plan for homeschooling is to make a list for things that need to be done for the week and for my husband to get the things done during the week on their schedule -- my husband has ADD and my son has ADHD, so they both need breaks in order to focus on things. I plan on starting a podcast at some point with my husband so we can maybe help others who want to homeschool and work, also regular parenting topics would be in the podcast. This will for sure be a learning experience for us all. Patience is definitely a virtue with our lives, but somehow we will make it work.

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